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How to Get the Best Clean for Your Beer Line

How to Get the Best Clean for Your Beer Line

Your beer lines are the perfect environment, where bacteria and bugs can grow. Maintaining clean beer lines is crucial for delivering the freshest product to your customers. Over time, beer lines can accumulate residue, i.e. yeasts and proteins that give spoilage organisms an accumulation point that will affect both flavour and the quality of your beer. Regular cleaning ensures your customers enjoy every sip while prolonging the lifespan of your equipment. Here’s how to achieve the best possible clean for your beer lines with Bracton Chemicals.

Why Cleaning Your Beer Lines Matter

“You buy your second beer based on the quality of the first.”

Beer lines are the life of your system. If they are not cleaned regularly, they can harbour unwanted contaminants that lead to off-flavours, cloudiness, and even spoilage. A clean line enhances the taste of your beer and keeps customers coming back for more.

When to Clean Your Beer Lines

“It is easier to KEEP lines clean than to GET lines clean.”

As a rule of thumb all Brewers recommend weekly or fortnightly line cleans. However, if your establishment sees heavy traffic or uses high-volume sales, weekly cleaning is recommended, this is also the case for many “craft” beers. If you notice a change in the flavour of your beer, a thorough shock clean is recommended. Remember, it is important to clean your lines, but also to continue to maintain clean lines always.

The Cleaning Process

“Staff safety and the use of appropriate PPE is essential.”

Using the correct cleaning chemicals is important to keep your beer lines, in a clean and hygienic condition. Bracton Line cleaning chemicals help to effectively break down organic residue and sanitise your dispense system.

Finally, applying sprays to coupling heads will assist and ensure all surfaces are free from bacteria after cleaning. Setting steps to help ensure you employ a systematic approach to cleaning your beer lines, with a focus on removing residue and ensuring sanitary conditions is important. Steps can include:

  1. Preparation: Ensure all staff involved in the process have PPE and are trained in the cleaning process, as well as ensure all necessary cleaning solutions and equipment are ready, including the cleaning chemicals, brushes, and a suitable cleaning pump. Remember, to turn off your beer chilling system.
  2. Flushing: Run water through the lines to remove any beer from the system.
  3. Cleaning Solution: This helps break down any buildup, such as yeast, mould or mineral deposits. Mix the cleaning chemical as per Bracton Chemicals direction of use and utilise a Dosatron Cleaning System or pump to draw the chemical solution through the lines, for example, Craft Beer Line Cleaner, Twin Detergent or DP1/DP2 mixtures.
  4. Brushing: Use brushes to scrub the interior of the coupling heads and taps, as these are most likely to be the dirtiest components of the dispense system.
  5. Rinsing: After the cleaning solution has been soaking in the system for the recommended time, rinse the lines thoroughly with clean water to remove all chemical residues. Test the flushing water, with Bracton Chemicals pH paper strips to ensure all of the chemical has been removed.
  6. Reconnection: Once cleaned and rinsed, reconnect the beer lines to the kegs after spraying with Bracton Chemicals Keg Sanitiser and check for leaks.
  7. Testing: Finally, run a small amount of beer through the lines to ensure everything is functioning properly and that there is no residual cleaning solution. Turn on the beer chilling system.

It is important to remember, regular cleaning is crucial for maintaining beer quality and preventing off-flavours, contamination and build up in your beer lines.

Tips for Maintaining Clean Beer Lines

Educate Staff: Make sure your team understands the importance of beer line cleaning and are well trained in the cleaning process and understand the use of appropriate PPE. Bracton Chemicals’ Craft Beer Line Cleaner is a suitable option for your staff, as a safe and easy to use Beer Line cleaning solution.    

Schedule Regular Cleanings: Set reminders to ensure cleaning is never overlooked.

Keep Records: Maintain a log of cleaning dates and any issues encountered. This can help you spot trends or recurring problems.

Cleaning your beer lines is a simple yet vital part of running a successful bar or brewery. By using Bracton Chemicals’ specialised Beer Line products and following a thorough cleaning routine, you can ensure that every glass served is fresh, flavourful, and perfectly crafted. Cheers to a clean line and satisfied customers, with great tasting beer!

Our Bracton Chemicals Product Range is suitable for all bar venues and brewers. Let us work together to always provide quality tasting beer in every pint your serve.

This guest resource is written by Bracton Chemicals.